Mariella Owens

I've been doing pottery for 35 years. And have made many accomplishments.As an artist, I attempt to be very creative with my work, exploring all the different ways of utilizing the clay and making it work for me. I try to have parallels between my work and nature.
The artwork shown on my website supports my vision and development goals by enabling me to move forward with my art shows and studio. It makes a continuation of my developmental style.
My career as an artist started as a hobby for relaxation. I would hand build pieces and play on the wheel. After 2 or 3 months, it became so fascinating that I started spending my lunch breaks on the wheel, slab roller, and extruder at Riverbend Art Center in Dayton, Ohio.
I wanted to improve my technique and skills as a potter, so I took 9 week sessions of classwork at Riverbend Art Center. After completing the three sessions, I was invited to participate in the student's show Riverbend. Within that first show, I sold enough of my work to buy my first potters wheel. After several smaller shows, I was asked to be an instructor by the Art Counsel in 1984 at Riverbend Art Center. After teaching my first 9 week session, I was asked to return to do 3 sessions instead of one.
I have been doing 10-12 art shows per year and have won numerous awards from Best of Show to Honorable Mention since 1984. In March of 2000, I purchased a barn that I renovated into a studio. The grand opening of "Mariella's" happened on November 2000.Currently I'm living in Georgia and doing lots of shows.
Pitcher w/ glasses set

Casserole Set

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