Adrina Richard

After a 35 year career in higher education I have now transformed myself into a full-time potter.  I was a lifelong collector long before I took the plunge and made my first pot in 2004.  Since then I have taken dozens of workshops, experimented with different techniques, forms and methods and developed my own style.  Clay has become a passion. 
For 2 years I was an artist-in-residence and studio assistant at MudFire Clayworks and Gallery in Decatur, GA.   I no longer work for the studio but continue to do my own work at MudFire as well as my studio at home.  I have participated in a number of regional shows and exhibit in some regional galleries. 

My forms are hand-built and textured mainly in white stoneware and porcelain.  My vessels reflect a contemporary, minimalist sensibility while evoking ties to the ancient.  I favor stains to highlight the textures on the surface eschewing glaze so that the form is not overpowered on the surface.  My forms range from the functional to architecturally complex and decorative. 

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