Monday, June 24, 2013

Getting all of our presenters set for our second annual clay conference at the Art Place in Marietta. I have started pages for all of the presenters, so click on a name and check them out. More information to follow. This is how it is shaping up so far.

Come join us for a fun day of pottery celebrating local ceramic artists

T.A.P. into Clay 
2nd Annual Clay Conference

September 7, 2013

Schedule of events

8:00-8:45 packet pick-up, continental breakfast available
9:00-12:00 morning session with Jim Weber

12:00 -1:30 lunch break, box lunch will be provided and is included in registration

12:15-1:15 lunch sessions, 1 hour mini demonstrations

o Adrina Richard - handbuilding
o Erin Kay Spangler – carving

o Mariella Owens – wheel

1:30-4:30 afternoon session with Katy Mcdougal

Presenters will have work for sale in our gallery, there will be vendors,
and a great raffle.