Tuesday, August 6, 2013

We are less than one month away from our second annual Clay Conference at The Art Place in Marietta Georgia. All of us are very excited, we have some great presenters this year, some great door prizes from our wonderful sponsors and even a t-shirt.

Please join us in celebrating some great Georgia potters, learn some new techniques and meet some fellow artists who love playing in the dirt.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Getting all of our presenters set for our second annual clay conference at the Art Place in Marietta. I have started pages for all of the presenters, so click on a name and check them out. More information to follow. This is how it is shaping up so far.

Come join us for a fun day of pottery celebrating local ceramic artists

T.A.P. into Clay 
2nd Annual Clay Conference

September 7, 2013

Schedule of events

8:00-8:45 packet pick-up, continental breakfast available
9:00-12:00 morning session with Jim Weber

12:00 -1:30 lunch break, box lunch will be provided and is included in registration

12:15-1:15 lunch sessions, 1 hour mini demonstrations

o Adrina Richard - handbuilding
o Erin Kay Spangler – carving

o Mariella Owens – wheel

1:30-4:30 afternoon session with Katy Mcdougal

Presenters will have work for sale in our gallery, there will be vendors,
and a great raffle.